The association has been initiated by Sandrine Wallez and Philippe Metois, who worked with communities from North Ambae
since November 2005. The success of this challenge gives the impulse to create the ACTIV association (Alternative Communities Trade in Vanuatu) with motivated people directly concerned by improving the livelihoods of the local communities. • Official registration of ACTIV Association on the 8th February 2008 |
• Organisations of three large exhibitions in Port Vila (in May, forthnight Fair Trade, in July, Independence exhibition and
November, Krimas market) • Participation to two overseas exhibitions; the Pasifika Fair Trade event in May in Sydney and the “wik blong Vanuatu” in November in New Caledonia. • Creation of the website and the online boutique of ACTIV by Jackie Trieu, an AYAD (Australian Youth Ambassador for the Development). • Opening in 2009 of the ACTIV office inside the Alliance Française of Port Vila. |
ACTIV Community
• Trade facilitator for the cocoa producers and exporters
of Malekula, Malo, Santo, Ambae and Epi. 259 t (almost one third of the national production) of cocoa exported to Germany between November 2008 and October 2009 under the Pacific Export Growers Partnership funded by ICCO with an average of 204 vatu per kilo. |
• Preparation with Sandy Lawson, ABV, Australian Business Volunteer, of a project in partnership with the quarantine department of the Government for the organic and Fair Trade certifications of the cocoa.
• Community Handicrafts inventory with a MOU with the Vanuatu Cultural Centre funded by AusAID (2,972,775 vatu).
• Development since Nov. 2008 of the project of eradication of the kerosene for the households lighting. 3,000 kits of 1W were sold through ACTIV network from Torres to Aneithyum. • Assessment of the Gaua volcano (Mount Garet) renewal of activity with the Department of Geohazards from the 3rd to 7th October 2009.